by tagclinic | Jun 28, 2019 | Dysphagia, Swallowing
Swallowing Did you know that we swallow more than 900 times a day? Swallowing is a complicated and delicate reflex that is essential to everyday life. We need to coordinate the muscles in our cheeks, jaw, lips, tongue and throat (26 muscles in total!) Our swallow...
by tagclinic | Jun 3, 2019 | Communication, Dysphagia, Speech, Swallowing
Our voices are the primary method with which many of us express ourselves to the world. However, often we don’t realise that in order to maintain the functioning of our voices, we need to look after our voices just as we look after the other parts of our body. The...
by tagclinic | May 9, 2019 | Diet, Dysphagia, Nutrition, Speech, Swallowing
We’ve all experienced the sensation of our drink going down the wrong way – the coughing, the watery eyes, the breathlessness. It’s certainly unpleasant. Now imagine if this happened every time you took a sip of water. Not only is this sensation...