Toys that encourage talking
As speech pathologists, we are asked all the time by parents what toys we recommend they buy for their children to help expand their speech and language skills. So today we’re going to share with you our top recommendations for toys that encourage talking and why we love them.
1. Toy phone. You can also use an old phone just ensure the batteries removed (for safety reasons). Yes, toy phones are by FAR one of our favorite toys. They are low cost and grow with your child. And think about it…what is it that we do on the phone? WE TALK! We use LANGUAGE! So a toy phone is a GREAT toy that can be used to support speech and language development.
2. Baby doll and accessories (e.g. pram, clothes, bib etc). Baby dolls are a key go-to therapy toy for any paediatric Speech-Language Pathologist. The opportunities for language-building are HUGE because a child can recreate so many real-life experiences (feeding, dressing, bathing, etc.).
3. Kitchen play. You can buy a tea set, pretend food and even a toy kitchen or you can simply use old kitchen items (just make sure they are safe for a child to use (e.g. no sharp edges or points).
– by Rachel Tosh

Rachel Tosh
Speech Pathologist
Rachel is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist (CPSP) with a wide variety of clinical experience in inpatient and outpatient paediatric care in both Australia and the UK which enables her to translate theory into real life application across diverse clinical contexts. Her latest adventure, Speech Parent is changing the face of paediatric speech pathology internationally by empowering and educating parents of children with communication and feeding difficulties. She describes herself as a recovering work-a-holic (we all know she isn’t actually recovering – seriously who else sends emails at 4:30am!?). Rachel is passionate about: business leadership; literacy and feeding difficulties; educating and empowering others; and optimising therapy outcomes. Although these interests may seem diverse, the recurring theme through them all is a love for facilitating growth and development in others so they can achieve their own unique potential. Things I like: “Lamb roast, reading, helping others and creating systems that work…I may or may not enjoy these together!” Things I don’t like: “People not respecting each other and children missing out because of bad care or broken systems.” Favourite colour: “Can I have the whole rainbow?” How the TAG team describe Rachel: “Passionate”; “Hard working”; “Creative”.
“Be there for others but never leave yourself behind” -Dodinski