by tagclinic | Sep 8, 2018 | Communication, Speech
The Difference between Speech and Language When thinking about communication, people often use the words speech and language interchangeably. While often confused by many as having the same meaning, there is actually a difference between ‘speech’ and ‘language’. So,...
by tagclinic | Jun 22, 2016 | Emotions, Play, Social Skills, Speech, Support
Your Child as a Whole: A Simple Framework Being a parent is tough. There’s always so much to learn and do and it feels like you just figure out one thing and something new comes up. Being a parent of special needs is even tougher. There’s even more to...
by tagclinic | Jun 13, 2016 | Cognitive Skills, Communication, Disability, Emotions, Motor Skills, Social Skills, Support
When to get help if you are worried about your child We often hear, “I’m worried about…(insert your child worries here!)…when should I get professional advice?” The answer obviously depends on your child’s age and what you are...